The International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (ISOT) 2020 has moved to 2021.
Due to the CORONA-virus crisis: the ISOT organizing committee has made the difficult decision to defer this event for one year. ISOT2020 will actually be ISOT2021, and be held from Tuesday 3 to Friday 5 November 2021, still in Besançon.
One of the ISOT conference's vocations is to share knowledge in photonics, robotics and mechatronics to encourage new collaborations and the emergence of new concepts. However, the uncertain sanitary conditions related to COVID19 did not allow us to envisage an in-presence conference in satisfactory safety conditions in November, which we regret deepfully.
The committee would like to apologize for this postponement and the disruptions it may cause. But, we invite you to participate to ISOT 2021. The web site is now : isot2021.sciencesconf.org
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